Appointment Services for Registration
By cellphone:
WeChat official account “Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital”;
Third-party WeChat official account: “Jiankang Zhilu”, “Guangzhou Jiankang Tong” or “Guangdong Jiankang”;
Third-party mobile app: “Guangdong Cloud Hospital”
Official portal:;
Third-party website:;
By phone: 020-83882222, 020-12320, 400-6677-400
On-site: registration desk on each floor (weekdays only)
During consultation:ask for the next outpatient consultation directly after consulting the doctor
Self-service: use the self-service machines on each floor to get a diagnosis and treatment card, make an appointment, pay the fees, and print inspection report.
Appointment Services for Inspection
Location: inspection service windows on the second floor of Outpatient Department
Dongchuan Outpatient Clinic of Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital
August 2021